Cinema 4D Lesson 1

In the first lesson of Cinema 4D, we looked at the basics tools and features of this program. We learnt how to import from illustrator to cinema 4D, add depth to our images, along with text, shadows, materials and light to out 3D file.

I created a quick outline in illustator then imported it to Cinema 4D.

Preparation for rendering.

Here are some stills of my work in Cinema 4D, I used a variety of tools to help achieve this finish. Once I was happy with the shape and the position, I applied the correct render settings in preparation for a video file. A camera rotating around my object with correct lighting and shadow formats.

A still rendered shot of my work with added lights, shadows, text and plane. Below is a video.

Cinema 4D Artists:

Dimitris Katsafouros is a multi-disciplined artist who works across 3D art, digital art, illustration, motion graphics, packaging and print, and is also part of the two-person design studio WeArePitchBlack. We love the simplicity of his crisp, bright creation.

I looked on this website which is a great source of inspiration for those working or aspiring to work in the CGI industry. There are a lot of 3D artists portfolios, as well as career advice from industry.

MAXON Cinema 4D General Show Reel 2016

A video which shows amazing 3D animation created by CINEMA 4D users from around the world.