Kinetic Typography Part 2 Z-space

This workshop explored 3D space, depth and the z-axis in after effects. It also covered the use of cameras, rotation and position in 3-dimensions. For this session, we needed 2x A4 pages hand-drawn, digital illustrations, in preparation for moving, spinning, rotating in 3D. I found a quote that I wanted to work with, along with a soundtrack.

I chose the quote:

J.K. Rowling — 'We've all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That's who we really are.'

Project References:

This music lyric video uses a camera to fly through multiple different layers, I really like the style and how effective the animation links in with the lyrics of the song.

These are the two illustrations I create which I will be using to animate in this workshop.

The idea of the drawing relates to the quote in my eyes. Basically there is a lit candle referring back to having the light inside us, but then there is a candle reflected, however this is not lit, referring back to the dark inside us. It's still the same candle but upon reflecting there's a good and a bad side to everyone.

I copied each word of my work and pasted them separately into a different document. Once each word was added, using the levels tool to correct the tonal range and color balance of an image, I adjusted intensity levels of image shadows, midtones, and highlights to remove as much detail of the sketching paper I drew on.

In after effects, I create a gradient background.

I then inverted each word through channel in the effects menu. Then enabled 3D with each layer.

I applied the 'Screen' effect to each of the word layer to remove the black background and the started positioning the words.

I added a camera to the composition, and started to work in a 3D space.

Each word was then positioned at a different z-axis, with the word you first read more closer to the view of the camera. This camera would then fly through each word.

 I also added my drawing of the candle, in the background, the effect here would be when the word comes closer, more the sketch is revealed.

I organised the layout of each word and experimented trying at different parts of the composition.

For the last part of the animation, I added a curve to the camera pattern animation to create a different viewpoint.. Once each camera was set, I added keyframes to the position of the starting point for the camera and the end point where the camera would have flown through every word. I also added my drawing of the candle, in the background, the effect here would be when the word comes closer, more the sketch is revealed.