Rotoscoping (After Effects Workshop Two)

In this workshop, we looked at an animation technique, Rotoscoping, in which animators trace over motion picture footage, frame by frame, to produce realistic action. With our own footage, our main tools were mattes, masks and the pen tool. As well as using composition loops and time-re-mapping.

Project references:

General Elektriks: Angle Boogie:


After the workshop, I looked at more project references to inspire me for future possible designs when it comes to editing footage.

Rotoscoping Animation(Sia-Chandelier):

Rotoscoped horse:

I really like the variety of artwork throughout this animation, they are all unique and explored creatively. It shows how one footage can be represented in multiple different ways and how rotoscoping plays a big part in this.

A screenshot from animation to show my artwork I brought to the workshop.

(Rotoscoping technique)


Document setup

Using the pen tool I began drawing around the part of the footage I wanted to rotoscope over. This was done and each frame per second.

I experimented with different designs on top of my footage.