Cinema 4D Lesson 4

Sub Object Modelling - Part 1 Cel Shading - Part 2 Basic Rigging - Part 3

This session introduced me to the processes around sub-object 3d modelling. The outcome of this workshop will be a simple 3d character model suitable for basic rigging, sculpting or 3d printing.

I first started with a simple shape and then extruded the polygons of the shape in certain directions to make a 3D character model.

I experimented with the shape of the character to make it appear smoother and rounder.

I then added materials to add colour to the character, I also added a cel-shading effect to give it a more toon look with the colours I chose.

Character Model from Angela Jones on Vimeo.

After the workshop, I researched more about character 3D modelling and some of the projects that use this technique. I specifically looked at low poly modelling as I really like the style and it's simpler to create.

Low Poly - Arctic animation


After researching, I experimented with extruding polygons to make a spaceship. I started off with a cube and extrude polygons to take shape.

I wanted a blueprint type feel to this spaceship, I changed the render settings and added effects such as cel-renderer.

I then added a camera and a null object to rotate around the spaceship.

Still renders of my wire-frame spaceship.