Physical studio- Location Drawing

During this session we were required to undertake location drawing, where we used the university as our source material. Over the course of the afternoon we had to study: line drawing study, featuring perspective. People and places. Type in context. Skylines. Reflections. Architectural themes; i.e. doorknobs, Gargoyles, windows etc.

Materials list: Fineliner (essential) Sketchbook Marker pens Charcoal pencil Paper Please note this is a separate exercise to your studio project, your final selections should be scanned at 300 Dpi reduced to 72Dpi.

Location drawing artists:

Chris Burge is a freelance illustrator based in London, and graduated from Falmouth College of Arts in 2006 with a BA Hons degree in illustration. His work is shown below:


(Trafalgar Square, London)

Audrey Hawkins is a New York-based illustrator and graphic designer. She studied English at Johns Hopkins University, and Illustration at Parsons School of Design and the Dalvero Academy.

(Times Square, New York)

(Bethesda Fountain, New York)


During my free time, I visited Saltaire Park, where I took my sketchbook to do a couple of location drawings.